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Menzel, 'Das Eisenwalzwerk'. An oil painting, completed between 1872-1875, depicting men working in a steel factory with a blast furnace in the background.

Labour in the Long Nineteenth Century

January 2025

A.0. Editorial: Labour in the Long Nineteenth Century

Johanna Harrison-Oram (Royal Holloway University of London)

A.1. ‘A Perfect Republic’: Labour, Landscape, and Property in Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes

Cal Sutherland (University of Edinburgh)

A.2. Gendered Dehumanisation; Labour, Oppression, and Resistance of the Enslaved Women of Colour of Saint- Domingue in the Long Nineteenth Century

Calyx Palmer (King's College London)

A.3. ‘[I]f your stumps had only been a trifle shorter’: The Exploitation of the Stare and Nautical Performance in Henry Mayhew’s London Labour and the London Poor

Megan McLennan (Western University)

A.4. ‘Body And Soul’ – Emotional Labour in Margaret Harkness’ Fin-De-Siècle Fiction and Journalism

Rosemary Archer (Loughborough University)

A.5. 'Reading Girl' to 'Writing Girl': Erotic transactions and philanthropic reactions in Mary Elizabeth Braddon's Mary (1916)

Garth Wenman-James (University of Southampton)

A.6. Working/Not Working: Labour, Un/Employment and the Deserving/Underserving Poor in Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth (1905) and Arnold Bennett’s The Card (1911)

John D. Attridge (Regent College London)

R.1. Review: ‘The Rossettis’ (London: Tate Britain, 6 April-24 September 2023).

Cristina Santaemilia (Universitat de València)

R.2. Review: Danielle Dove, Victorian Dress in Contemporary Historical Fiction: Materiality, Agency and Narrative (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023) 210pp. ISBN 9781350294684, £85.00.

Sydni Zastre (University of Birmingham)

R.3. Review: Irene Cheng, The Shape of Utopia: The Architecture of Radical Reform in Nineteenth-Century America (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2023) 349pp. ISBN 978-30-343- 0772-7, $35.00.

Kelsey Paige Mason (Ohio State University)

R.4. Review: Kevin A. Morrison, The Provincial Fiction of Mitford, Gaskell and Eliot (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2023) 308pp. ISBN 978- 1-3995-1608-2, £90.

Rebecca Shipp (University of Lincoln)

University of Southampton, UK

SO17 1BJ

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Romance, Revolution and Reform is an interdisciplinary PGR-led journal specialising in the long nineteenth century and run in association with the Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research.



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