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The 1830 painting "Liberty Leading the People" by Eugene Delacroix. A woman holding a rifle and waving the French flag leads a group of armed men. On the ground in front of them are several corpses wearing military uniforms.

Resistance in the Long Nineteenth Century

January 2020

A.0. Resonances of Resistance in the Long Nineteenth Century

Zack White (Editor-in-Chief), Katie Holdway (Deputy Editor)

A.1. ‘Down with the Bell!’ The Nāblus Uprising of April 1856

Gabriel Polley (University of Exeter)

A.2. Resisting mechanisation? Reading Shortshanks’ ‘The March of Intellect’ (c. 1828) through the lenses of Daniel and Edward Irving

Helen-Frances Dessain

A.3. The Path of Least Resistance: Mapping the 1832 Reform Act and Felix Holt

Delphine Gatehouse (King's College London)

A.4. Gender and Social Resistance in Marie Corelli’s The Young Diana

Erin Louttit

A.5. ‘Tired Inside’: Illness as Social Resistance in George MacDonald’s Adela Cathcart

Jessica Lewis

A.6. Thomas Hardy's Unmen and Othered Men

Tracy Hayes (Thomas Hardy Society)

R.1. Laura Eastlake, Ancient Rome and Victorian Masculinity

Quentin Broughall

R.2. Catherine Waters, Special Correspondence and the Newspaper Press in Victorian Print Culture, 1850-1886

Françoise Baillet (Caen Normandie University)

R.3. Barbara Leckie, Open Houses: Poverty, the Novel, and the Architectural Idea in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Matthew Reznicek (Creighton University)

R.4. Gregory Mackie, Beautiful Untrue Things: Forging Oscar Wilde’s Extraordinary Afterlife

Aaron Eames (Loughborough University)

R.5. Phyllis Weliver, Mary Gladstone and the Victorian Salon: Music, Literature, Liberalism

Roger Hansford (Editorial Board)

R.6. Nicoletta Leonardi and Simone Natale (eds), Photography and Other Media in the Nineteenth Century

Beth Knazook (Western University)

University of Southampton, UK

SO17 1BJ

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Romance, Revolution and Reform is an interdisciplinary PGR-led journal specialising in the long nineteenth century and run in association with the Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research.



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